Q. What is the mission of the Georgetown SC 250? 
A. We want to celebrate and promote Georgetown County’s Role in the American Revolution by educating, engaging, and inspiring residents and visitors.

Q. Did Georgetown have any hometown heroes during the Revolutionary War?
A. Georgetown is notable for being the home to Francis Marion, Thomas Lynch Jr. and Sr, Christopher Gadsden, Peter Horry and James and John Postells. All of whom were major participants during the American Revolutionary War. 

Q. What, within Georgetown County, do you consider the most important  battle, event, or situation, during the period of the Revolutionary War. 
A. Although there were not what one would consider “important battles” , there were many events that played a significant part in the War. For example: During one of the significant victories was a raid on Georgetown by Marion’s Men on January 24, 1781. They captured the British Commander, Lt. Colonel George Campbell.  However, one of the most significant losses for Georgetown was on August 2, 1781 when Loyalist Capt. Manson was ordered to destroy Georgetown.  He bombarded the town, set fire to Front Street stores and burned 42 homes.  It would take Georgetown 50 years to recover from the destruction caused by the British.